My friend got married 2 months ago and now, she wants a divorce?

My friend got married 2 months ago and now, she wants a divorce?

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It is really difficult to get divorce before one year of completion of marriage, but you can take your changes and if the evidences that you have are strong, then court may grant you divorce.

An annulment is a legal procedure which cancels a marriage between a man and a woman.

The ground is that the petitioner has, with his or her full consent, lived with the other party to the marriage as husband or wife after the force had ceased to operate or, as the case may be, the fraud had been discovered;

that the petitioner check here was at the time of the marriage ignorant of the facts alleged;

that proceedings have been instituted in the case of a marriage solemnized before the commencement of this Act within one year of such commencement and in the case of marriages solemnized after such commencement within one year from the date of the marriage; and that marital intercourse with the consent of the petitioner has not taken place since the discovery by the petitioner of the existence of the said ground.

You may have to prove that they were living as husband and wife prior to this marriage unless the annulment petition cannot be maintainable;

In that case you may have to wait for completion of one year to file a contested divorce case on the grounds of adultery.

You can file a petition for annulling your marriage by a decree of nullity on the grounds of her adulterous life which existed in the pre-marital life and continuing till this date even after marrying you. You may have to produce clinching evidence for this to prove your case.

An annulment is a legal procedure which cancels a marriage between a man and a woman.

The ground is that the petitioner has, with his or her full consent, lived with the other party to the marriage as husband or wife after the force had ceased to operate or, as the case may be, the fraud had been discovered;

that the petitioner was at the time of the marriage ignorant of the facts alleged;

that proceedings have been instituted in the case of a marriage solemnized before the commencement of this Act within one year of such commencement and in the case of marriages solemnized after such commencement within one year from the date of the marriage; and

that marital intercourse with the consent of the petitioner has not taken place since the discovery by the petitioner of the existence of the said ground.

You may have to prove that they were living as husband and wife prior to this marriage unless the annulment petition cannot be maintainable;

In that case you may have to wait for completion of one year to file a contested divorce case on the grounds of adultery.

1. A husband has the right to get maintenance from his wife under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.

2. Under section 24 of the Hindu Marriage Act, a husband can get maintenance pendente lite and expenses of proceedings.

3. Under section 25 of the Hindu Marriage Act, a husband has the right to get permanent alimony and maintenance.

4. No agreement between the parties can prevent the Court from granting maintenance to the husband. However, for a husband to be eligible for getting maintenance, it is necessary that he proves his inability to earn.

5. A husband who is capable to ear but remains idle or incapacitates himself voluntarily cannot get maintenance.

Consult with LawZapo with regards to Employment Lawyer in Mumbai who can assist with matters related to Property, Criminal, Corporate, Family Law matters.


It is really difficult to get divorce before one year of completion of marriage, but you can take your changes and if the evidences that you have are strong, then court may grant you divorce. An annulment is a legal procedure which cancels a marriage between a man and a woman. You may have to prove that they were living as husband and wife prior to this marriage unless the annulment petition cannot be maintainable

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